Julie Pimentel
JRB Consulting grew from my experiences working at digital publisher companies including CitySearch, GeoCities, and Photobucket and Jambase. My many "hats" included selling digital advertising to small businesses and agencies, creating partnerships with publishers, creating content for publisher sites and providing SEO optimization for websites. I now enjoy working on projects and campaigns that contribute to the growth of my client's websites and businesses through digital marketing services.
I believe it is important to live and work online authentically and with transparency. I am constantly seeking ways to stay abreast of the latest digital marketing tools and platforms that contribute to businesses maintaining a competitive edge in this competitive space. I also strive to stay competitive with certifications such as Google Fundamentals AdWord and Video Marketing along with Hubspot Inbound and Email Marketing.
In my spare time, I contribute to the consumer technology site aNewDomain.net. A few of my articles can be found here. When not online, I can be found outside either hiking, swimming or spending time with my family.
Let's Meet Soon!
Julie Blaustein, Principal JRB Consulting